Yep--this week begins preparations in earnest for my UK/Belgium trip. I've got most of the stuff I will take with me (clothes, guide books, etc..). But it's the packing and stuff that's driving me nuts at the moment: I've got to start within the next day or so. Don't want to leave anything undone until the last moment!
It sure is hard to believe that the departure day is fast just about a week, I will be flying across the Atlantic to London--and hopefully meeting several British online correspondents. To think that I will be visiting sites I've only previously been reading about, or have seen in film or television; to be able to walk the paths of famous figures in English/British history is just mind-boggling. I am of no significance at all, in comparison to people like King Henry VIII, Sir Thomas More, Anne Boleyn--or Sir Winston Churchill, for that matter! It is exciting, for sure.
I'll also be visiting the town of Ypres in Belgium: a town that suffered greatly during the First World War. It was practically destroyed, and was also the scene of some of the worst fighting on the war's Western Front. I am hopeful of visiting some of the battle sites, and the British cemeteries created by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. And it is just in time for Armistice Day, 11 November.
While I won't be taking my computer with me (too many logistical issues), I will be keeping a notebook handy, to write about my visit. And when I return, I will post what I've written here, along with photos I've taken. The good photos, that is.